select other pedigrees
- Al Bahr's Galatea
- CH Al Bahr's Geb Ben Gazi
- Alba
- Alchardon Anunnaki Anubis of Loki
- CH Amberlith Fenix of Five Alarm, FCH
- Amberlith Stardust Sonicboom
- Amberlithe Alexandria
- Amberlithe Amelia Mia
- Amberlithe Arriba Arriba
- Amberlithe Bella Cobra
- Amberlithe Bella Zorina
- Amberlithe Belmonte Marcel
- Amberlithe Caprecio Uno
- Amberlithe Colorado Red, FCH
- Amberlithe Dear AraƱa
- Amberlithe Don Alfonso
- CH Amberlithe Don Angelo
- CH Amberlithe Don Arcanum, JC
- Amberlithe Donna Adocia
- Amberlithe Donna Antonia
- CH Amberlithe Donna Arabella
- Amberlithe El Anansi
- Amberlithe El Ankara
- Amberlithe Fennec Fox
- Amberlithe Firefly
- CH Amberlithe Handsome Fenix
- Amberlithe Imperial Eagle
- Amberlithe Khafeira Madeira
- Amberlithe la Bella Luna, CD SC
- CH Amberlithe Majorca Mia
- CH Amberlithe Phoenecia, LCM
- CH Amberlithe Serqet Primavera
- CH Amberlithe Sienna, FCH
- Amberlithe Tequila Sunrise
- Amberlithe Victoriana
- Aminia
- Amoraq's Animiki of O'Bre-On's
- Anat de San Martin
- Antietam Amberlithe Nubia
- CH Antietam Angel of Five Alarm
- Antietam's Redjedef
- Baalat de San Martin
- Ballito
- Bijobi Alesse de Noca
- CH Bijobi Petina D'dashur
- CH Bijobi Una de Noca
- CH Black-Chip's Isis of Atair, FCH
- CH Black-Chip's Princess Redji
- Black-Chips Gypsy of Loki, CD
- Blanco
- Bobo de Bush
- Bugler of Sin
- Bus (Bos)
- Bus (Tulsa)
- Bushland Issa of Curtis Lane
- Campeon Pillo
- Canela de Can Gosch
- Casan
- Casante
- Casita
- CH Cesare's Song of Joy
- Chispa
- Chispa (II)
- Claire
- Cleopatra One
- Consuelo De Jamma-Nurra
- Corredor
- Curra
- CH Dacasha Sylvan Cymbolene
- Dalia
- Dama
- Davallia Dragonslayer
- CH Dejo's Grand Corazon Danzante, SC
- Diana
- Divels Licha
- Doi
- Dominino Zeus
- Don Domingo Ortega de Belmonte
- Don Juan Belmonte de San Jordi
- Don Litri de Falco
- Don Victoriano de Hanno
- Dona Chicuela de Litri
- Dona Joselita de Palma de Mallorca
- Dona Paralta de Belmonte
- Dona Parrita de Belmonte
- Dona Villalta de Hanno
- Electra's Cassandra, CD
- INT/MEX CH Eridu Maestro of Loki
- CH Eridu Vela
- Estrella
- Estrella of Sun King
- Falco
- Fatima el Gallinero
- Firma de Bush
- Florita
- Frontis
- Gacela
- Gallantree's Arissa de Faholo, CD
- Gallantree's Eagle of Treybeau, LCM4
- Gallantree's Foxfire, LCM
- Gallantree's Ilya de San Martin, CD FCH
- CH Gallantree's Princess Senuwy, FCH
- Gallantree's Road Runner, FCH
- CH Ghazal's Es Cierta Celebre
- Gol de Bush
- Golden Chord of Sin
- CH Gryphon's Phonecian Flame
- Guerro
- Hannibal
- Hanno de San Martin
- Hathor
- Hiena
- CH Ishtar Charisma
- Am/MEX CH Ishtar Sonnet of Loki
- CH Ishtar Threehand Aquilla
- Ishtar's Beta Mancha
- CH Ivicen Cassius
- Ivicen Chorister
- Ivicen Cleopatra
- Ivicen Seda
- Ivicen Snow Lion
- Ivicen Sun Myth
- Ivicen Sunbeam
- Ivicen Tawny Lion
- Julius Caesar de Fahalo
- Jura
- CH Kahlakee's Cairo of Khensu
- CH Kento
- CH Khensu's Aset of Serqet
- Kiba
- CH King Tuts Susanna, LCM
- CH Kreskin Kharisma, CD FCH
- Leo the Brave
- Linda
- Linda Cachita
- Lista
- Lister
- Llabre
- Lucinda Suella
- Lugui
- Luna
- Luncan
- CH Macho Grande by Danzante
- Mago
- Malchus
- Malta
- Marchote
- Mardais Michelangelo
- Mare's Head Desi de Medun
- Mena
- Meryet Amun
- Mohadmed el Gallinero
- Monte
- Muerdago
- Munta II
- Mythhuirs Banish Misfortune
- CAN CH Mythmuir Druid Dancer Iona, FCH
- Nebuchadnezzer
- Nyroca
- CH O'Bre-on Fortune Hunter de Bush
- CH O'Bre-on Royal Tern of Davallia, FCH
- CH O'Bre-on Tiercel of Kahlil
- CH O'Bre-on's Eternal Fire, LCM
- CH O'Bre-on's Kestrel, FCH
- CH O'Bre-on's Primero de Leon, CD FCH
- O'Bre-on's Scarlet Ibis O'Miradon
- Palma's Abderraman de Maestro, FCH
- Paloma
- Paloma (Ibiza)
- Panal de Lluchmayor
- Papyrus Of Ivicen
- Paradise Recherche
- Pelampago
- Perra de Ibiza
- Perra Estrella
- Pharoah
- Picasso
- Pollo USA el Gallinero
- Prado
- Preux Cleopatra's Amber
- Preux Delilah's Jezebel
- Preux Electra de Faholo
- Preux Electra's Delilah
- Preux Jeremiah de Faholo
- Preux Little Queen of Sheba
- Preux Marc Anthony
- Preux Phaedra
- Preux Ptolomy
- Preux Sampson, CD
- Preux Thais
- Prince de Bush
- Pythagoras
- Rani
- Re of Black-Chips, FCH
- CH Red Sky Estrella de Sago
- CH Red Sky Morningstar, FCH
- Reminson
- Remuda's Danzante de Loki
- Ria USA el Gallinero
- Rominson
- Rosetta
- CH Salamis Seneca By Danzante
- Saltador de San Jordi
- Sancho
- CH Sangabar Sago By Danzante
- CH Sangabar Salamanca, CD
- CH Sangabar Salamis By Danzante
- Sara
- Serandida Soldier of Fortune
- Serqet Amberlithe Foxglove
- Serqet Danceing Fox Trotters
- CH Serqet Tansey Fala
- Sice
- Sol
- Suda's de Can Gosch of Loki
- CH Suda's Grand Dejo by Danzante, FCH
- CH Sun King Eterna of Treybeau, LCM
- Sylentwood Amberlith Libby
- Sylentwood's Luna de Ibiza
- CH Sylvan Dream Sequoia, CDX FCH
- CH Sylvan Legend of O'Bre-on's
- CH Sylvan Novella of Bijobi
- CH Sylvan Salute to Serandida
- CH Sylvan Serenade, FCH
- CH Sylvan White Birch, FCH
- Tallaways Castanet of Loki
- Tanit
- Threehand Khafre of Loki
- Threehand Nekhabi of Loki
- Thutmose Amun
- Top
- Treybeau Dore
- Treybeau Lucretia McEvil
- Treybeau Vana Quendi of Atair
- Treybreau Lucretia McEvil, FCH
- Treybreau Melvin, LCM
- Triana
- Tripol de Jamma-Nurra
- Valent
- Valente
- Valiente
- CH Wishsong Mardais d'Artagon
- Wishsong Ruhne
- Yogui De Jamma-Nurra
Sex: | f | AKC Number: | |
Color: | unknown | Type | unknown |
Birth: | Death: |

unknown sire
unknown sire
unknown dam
unknown sire
unknown sire
unknown dam
unknown dam
unknown sire
unknown sire
unknown dam
unknown dam
unknown sire
unknown dam
unknown dam
Pedigree created Feb Wed 2025