select other pedigrees
- Al Bahr's Galatea
- CH Al Bahr's Geb Ben Gazi
- Alba
- Alchardon Anunnaki Anubis of Loki
- CH Amberlith Fenix of Five Alarm, FCH
- Amberlith Stardust Sonicboom
- Amberlithe Alexandria
- Amberlithe Amelia Mia
- Amberlithe Arriba Arriba
- Amberlithe Bella Cobra
- Amberlithe Bella Zorina
- Amberlithe Belmonte Marcel
- Amberlithe Caprecio Uno
- Amberlithe Colorado Red, FCH
- Amberlithe Dear AraƱa
- Amberlithe Don Alfonso
- CH Amberlithe Don Angelo
- CH Amberlithe Don Arcanum, JC
- Amberlithe Donna Adocia
- Amberlithe Donna Antonia
- CH Amberlithe Donna Arabella
- Amberlithe El Anansi
- Amberlithe El Ankara
- Amberlithe Fennec Fox
- Amberlithe Firefly
- CH Amberlithe Handsome Fenix
- Amberlithe Imperial Eagle
- Amberlithe Khafeira Madeira
- Amberlithe la Bella Luna, CD SC
- CH Amberlithe Majorca Mia
- CH Amberlithe Phoenecia, LCM
- CH Amberlithe Serqet Primavera
- CH Amberlithe Sienna, FCH
- Amberlithe Tequila Sunrise
- Amberlithe Victoriana
- Aminia
- Amoraq's Animiki of O'Bre-On's
- Anat de San Martin
- Antietam Amberlithe Nubia
- CH Antietam Angel of Five Alarm
- Antietam's Redjedef
- Baalat de San Martin
- Ballito
- Bijobi Alesse de Noca
- CH Bijobi Petina D'dashur
- CH Bijobi Una de Noca
- CH Black-Chip's Isis of Atair, FCH
- CH Black-Chip's Princess Redji
- Black-Chips Gypsy of Loki, CD
- Blanco
- Bobo de Bush
- Bugler of Sin
- Bus (Bos)
- Bus (Tulsa)
- Bushland Issa of Curtis Lane
- Campeon Pillo
- Canela de Can Gosch
- Casan
- Casante
- Casita
- CH Cesare's Song of Joy
- Chispa
- Chispa (II)
- Claire
- Cleopatra One
- Consuelo De Jamma-Nurra
- Corredor
- Curra
- CH Dacasha Sylvan Cymbolene
- Dalia
- Dama
- Davallia Dragonslayer
- CH Dejo's Grand Corazon Danzante, SC
- Diana
- Divels Licha
- Doi
- Dominino Zeus
- Don Domingo Ortega de Belmonte
- Don Juan Belmonte de San Jordi
- Don Litri de Falco
- Don Victoriano de Hanno
- Dona Chicuela de Litri
- Dona Joselita de Palma de Mallorca
- Dona Paralta de Belmonte
- Dona Parrita de Belmonte
- Dona Villalta de Hanno
- Electra's Cassandra, CD
- INT/MEX CH Eridu Maestro of Loki
- CH Eridu Vela
- Estrella
- Estrella of Sun King
- Falco
- Fatima el Gallinero
- Firma de Bush
- Florita
- Frontis
- Gacela
- Gallantree's Arissa de Faholo, CD
- Gallantree's Eagle of Treybeau, LCM4
- Gallantree's Foxfire, LCM
- Gallantree's Ilya de San Martin, CD FCH
- CH Gallantree's Princess Senuwy, FCH
- Gallantree's Road Runner, FCH
- CH Ghazal's Es Cierta Celebre
- Gol de Bush
- Golden Chord of Sin
- CH Gryphon's Phonecian Flame
- Guerro
- Hannibal
- Hanno de San Martin
- Hathor
- Hiena
- CH Ishtar Charisma
- Am/MEX CH Ishtar Sonnet of Loki
- CH Ishtar Threehand Aquilla
- Ishtar's Beta Mancha
- CH Ivicen Cassius
- Ivicen Chorister
- Ivicen Cleopatra
- Ivicen Seda
- Ivicen Snow Lion
- Ivicen Sun Myth
- Ivicen Sunbeam
- Ivicen Tawny Lion
- Julius Caesar de Fahalo
- Jura
- CH Kahlakee's Cairo of Khensu
- CH Kento
- CH Khensu's Aset of Serqet
- Kiba
- CH King Tuts Susanna, LCM
- CH Kreskin Kharisma, CD FCH
- Leo the Brave
- Linda
- Linda Cachita
- Lista
- Lister
- Llabre
- Lucinda Suella
- Lugui
- Luna
- Luncan
- CH Macho Grande by Danzante
- Mago
- Malchus
- Malta
- Marchote
- Mardais Michelangelo
- Mare's Head Desi de Medun
- Mena
- Meryet Amun
- Mohadmed el Gallinero
- Monte
- Muerdago
- Munta II
- Mythhuirs Banish Misfortune
- CAN CH Mythmuir Druid Dancer Iona, FCH
- Nebuchadnezzer
- Nyroca
- CH O'Bre-on Fortune Hunter de Bush
- CH O'Bre-on Royal Tern of Davallia, FCH
- CH O'Bre-on Tiercel of Kahlil
- CH O'Bre-on's Eternal Fire, LCM
- CH O'Bre-on's Kestrel, FCH
- CH O'Bre-on's Primero de Leon, CD FCH
- O'Bre-on's Scarlet Ibis O'Miradon
- Palma's Abderraman de Maestro, FCH
- Paloma
- Paloma (Ibiza)
- Panal de Lluchmayor
- Papyrus Of Ivicen
- Paradise Recherche
- Pelampago
- Perra de Ibiza
- Perra Estrella
- Pharoah
- Picasso
- Pollo USA el Gallinero
- Prado
- Preux Cleopatra's Amber
- Preux Delilah's Jezebel
- Preux Electra de Faholo
- Preux Electra's Delilah
- Preux Jeremiah de Faholo
- Preux Little Queen of Sheba
- Preux Marc Anthony
- Preux Phaedra
- Preux Ptolomy
- Preux Sampson, CD
- Preux Thais
- Prince de Bush
- Pythagoras
- Rani
- Re of Black-Chips, FCH
- CH Red Sky Estrella de Sago
- CH Red Sky Morningstar, FCH
- Reminson
- Remuda's Danzante de Loki
- Ria USA el Gallinero
- Rominson
- Rosetta
- CH Salamis Seneca By Danzante
- Saltador de San Jordi
- Sancho
- CH Sangabar Sago By Danzante
- CH Sangabar Salamanca, CD
- CH Sangabar Salamis By Danzante
- Sara
- Serandida Soldier of Fortune
- Serqet Amberlithe Foxglove
- Serqet Danceing Fox Trotters
- CH Serqet Tansey Fala
- Sice
- Sol
- Suda's de Can Gosch of Loki
- CH Suda's Grand Dejo by Danzante, FCH
- CH Sun King Eterna of Treybeau, LCM
- Sylentwood Amberlith Libby
- Sylentwood's Luna de Ibiza
- CH Sylvan Dream Sequoia, CDX FCH
- CH Sylvan Legend of O'Bre-on's
- CH Sylvan Novella of Bijobi
- CH Sylvan Salute to Serandida
- CH Sylvan Serenade, FCH
- CH Sylvan White Birch, FCH
- Tallaways Castanet of Loki
- Tanit
- Threehand Khafre of Loki
- Threehand Nekhabi of Loki
- Thutmose Amun
- Top
- Treybeau Dore
- Treybeau Lucretia McEvil
- Treybeau Vana Quendi of Atair
- Treybreau Lucretia McEvil, FCH
- Treybreau Melvin, LCM
- Triana
- Tripol de Jamma-Nurra
- Valent
- Valente
- Valiente
- CH Wishsong Mardais d'Artagon
- Wishsong Ruhne
- Yogui De Jamma-Nurra
CH Sylvan Salute to Serandida
Sex: | m | AKC Number: | HC838015 |
Color: | red and white | Type | smooth |
Birth: | 1980-12-22 | Death: |

CH Sylvan Salute to Serandida
Pedigree created Feb Wed 2025