Circumnavigating the Ibizan Hound
This is my description of the Ibizan Hound outline, the total silhouette of the dog at alert or in what is considered the show presentation pose. First of all, no handler can stack a dog as well as a good confident dog can stack itself. Handlers often have an annoying habit of pulling the dog out of position. Straightening the line of the neck and the shoulders, placing the rear so far back as to make the topline slope.

Ibizan Hound Silhouette
Starting at the nose, it should protrude beyond the mouth. The Ibizan does not have a blunt
muzzle. Following the line of the nose along the top of the muzzle it should be long, equal to
the length of the backskull. Over the ridge of the muzzle there should be a slight Roman convex.
Not extreme but noticeable, generally more in the dog than the bitch. The rise from muzzle to
backskull should be gently sloping, barely noticeable stop. A step up is very incorrect. The
plain of the muzzle and the skull are parallel. The skull is long and flattened. There should be
a point at the back, the occiput, this is not always seen unfortunately. The occiput should make
a point but not so extreme as in the Irish Setter. Set high on the head, with base at level with
the eye are the crowning glory, the large rhomboid ears. Viewed from the side the ear arches
forward slightly and then arches backwards slightly following the line of the neck. As you
follow along the line of the neck there should be a slight crest to it. Long and slightly arched.
This smoothly flows into the raised withers. It should not come down to a right angle to the
back. The withers flow down to the level back, the hand span between the withers and the loin.
Then the topline gently rises over the loin. This has the muscles that facilitate the double
suspension gallop. There has been some misunderstanding the the entire topline should be level.
Dogs in running condition generally have a more developed rise over the loin. Hip bones should
be in evidence, The croup drops off at an fair angle. This aspect is being lost because of
changes to the AKC standard calling for slight slope instead of sloping croup. The long low set
tail generally hangs when the dog is standing. This tail can be carried in many position but on
hunting must rise above the back but not lay upon the back. The tail is quite animated and is
the signal to the human hunter and the pack of the progress of the hunt. The point of the
buttock, or isheum is pointed. This says two things, that the dog is fit and has proper flat
muscle and that the angulation of the hip to the isheum to the stifle is properly angled. Too
open of an angle, a problem seen in many breeds today will give nothing beyond the tail, as
Rachel Paige Elliot would say. The second thigh should be long and well angled. Not extreme but
enough to allow the Ibizan to gather itself for the glorious leaps. The old Spanish standards
spoke of
well elbowed hocks, strong and close to the ground
A line from the point of the hip
will drop to the point of the stifle. If the dog is standing properly the line from the point of
hock to the back of the foot will be vertical. The hind foot is long well knuckled but somewhat
flattened, a hare foot. Following up the vertical line of the front of the lower leg to the
front of the hock joint it should angle up to a well bent hock, again if you go straight up from
the point of the stifle you should come to the hip bone. The tuck up of the Ibizan is pronounced
but the chest should not be extremely deep, the long upper arm is well in front of the deepest
part of the chest. This upper arm is more straight than in most other sighthounds, but not bolt
upright being slightly under the forechest. The front feet are strong, long harefeet. The
sternum forms a noticeable angle, but not a great sharp keel. The underside of the neck has a
nice clean sweep, dry fleshed. The lower jaw is long but not even with the protruding nose. The
bite will be scissored. The lower jaw should have strength but never lacking in elegance. Lips
are tight and puckered.
So here we have made the trip around the total outline. A very unique outline, immediately setting the breed apart from any other.